# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Created on 2013/03/11 2013/03/11 - File was created. @author: Juntaro Minezaki ''' import datetime import json import os import platform import shutil import subprocess import sys import threading import time import unicodedata if (platform.system() == 'Linux'): print('Linux OS. Using utf-8.') import pexpect SYSTEM = 'Linux' OS_ENCODING = 'utf-8' ENCODER_PATH = u'mencoder' TASKLIST_PATH = u'~/tasklist.json' WAIT_FOLDER = u'~/Wait' PROCESS_FOLDER = u'~/Wait' TV_FOLDER = u'~/tv' MAX_THREAD = 4 elif (platform.system() == 'Windows'): print('Windows OS. Using cp932') SYSTEM = 'Windows' OS_ENCODING = 'cp932' ENCODER_PATH = u' ' # mencoder.exeのフルパス TASKLIST_PATH = u' ' # 進捗を保存用ファイルのパス WAIT_FOLDER = u' ' # エンコード対象を格納するフォルダ PROCESS_FOLDER = u' ' # 現状未使用 TV_FOLDER = u' ' # エンコード後のファイルを格納するフォルダ MAX_THREAD = 3 # 同時進行するエンコード数 else: print('Unsupported OS. Exit.') sys.exit() MAX_COMPLETED = 100 FIRST_PASS_OPTION = u'-nosound -ovc xvid -xvidencopts pass=1:bitrate=2000:threads=1:me_quality=1: -vf yadif=3,pp=l5,framestep=2,scale=1280:720 -ofps 30000/1001' SECOND_PASS_OPTION = u'-oac mp3lame -lameopts abr:br=192 -ovc xvid -xvidencopts pass=2:bitrate=2000:threads=1 -vf yadif=3,pp=l5,framestep=2,scale=1280:720 -ofps 30000/1001' class TaskList(): def __init__(self): self.tasklist = {'wait':[], 'process':[], 'completed':[]} def __add_file_to_wait(self, path): elemstat = os.stat(path) moddate = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(elemstat.st_mtime) datestr = moddate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') for element in self.tasklist['wait']: if element.get('path', u'') == path: return for element in self.tasklist['process']: if element.get('path', u'') == path: return for element in self.tasklist['completed']: if element.get('path', u'') == path: return self.tasklist['wait'].append({ 'date': datestr, 'path': path }) self.tasklist['wait'].sort (key=lambda x:x['date']) def __delete_wait(self, path): for element in self.tasklist['wait']: if element['path'] == path: self.tasklist['wait'].remove(element) return True return False def __delete_old_completed(self): while len(self.tasklist['completed']) > MAX_COMPLETED: element = self.tasklist['completed'][0] self.tasklist['completed'].remove(element) return def __add_process(self, path): current = datetime.datetime.now() datestr = current.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') self.tasklist['process'].append({ 'path': path, 'date': datestr, 'pass': 0, 'progress': 0 }) return True def __delete_process(self, path): for element in self.tasklist['process']: if element['path'] == path: self.tasklist['process'].remove(element) return True return False def __add_completed(self, path): current = datetime.datetime.now() datestr = current.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') self.tasklist['completed'].append({ 'path': path, 'date': datestr }) self.__delete_old_completed() return True def load(self, src): try: f = open(src, 'r') importtask = json.loads(f.read()) f.close except: importtask = {'wait':[], 'process':[], 'completed':[]} for process in importtask['process']: if (os.path.exists(process.get('path', u'')) == False): continue for element in self.tasklist['process']: if element.get('path', u'') == process.get('path', u''): break else: #暫定 self.__add_file_to_wait(process['path']) for wait in importtask['wait']: if (os.path.exists(wait.get('path', u'')) == False): continue for element in self.tasklist['process']: if element.get('path', u'') == wait.get('path', u''): break else: self.__add_file_to_wait(wait['path']) for completed in importtask['completed']: for element in self.tasklist['completed']: if element.get('path', u'') == completed.get('path', u''): break else: self.tasklist['completed'].append(completed) return def save(self, dest): try: f = open(dest, 'w') f.write(json.dumps(self.tasklist)) f.close except IOError: print ('Failed to open Task List File.') return def add_folder_to_wait(self, folder): for element in os.listdir(folder): elempath = os.path.join(WAIT_FOLDER, element) (root, ext) = os.path.splitext(element) if ext == '.ts': self.__add_file_to_wait(elempath) for element in self.tasklist['wait']: try: if (os.path.exists(element.path) == False): self.__delete_wait(element.path) except: pass return True def move_wait_to_process(self, path): if os.path.exists(path) == False: self.__delete_wait(path) return False if self.__delete_wait(path) == False: return False return self.__add_process(path) def move_process_to_completed(self, srcpath, destpath): if (self.__delete_process(srcpath) == False): return False return self.__add_completed(destpath) def get_highest_in_wait(self): if self.tasklist['wait'] == []: return u'' return self.tasklist['wait'][0].get('path', u'') def update_process(self, process): path = process.get('path', u'') for element in self.tasklist['process']: if element['path'] == path: element['pass'] = process.get('pass', 0) element['progress'] = process.get('progress', 0) break class EncodeThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, index): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.index = index #Thread number self.free = True # self.wait = False #Waiting for execute encoding self.path = u'' #File which will be encoded self.encodepass = 0 self.progress = 0 def setpath(self, path): self.path = path self.wait = True def getpath(self): return self.path def isfree(self): return self.free def iswait(self): return self.wait def iscompleted(self): if (self.isfree () == True): return False if (self.encodepass > 2): return True return False def isnewtask(self): if (self.isfree() == True): if (self.iswait() == True): return True return False def getindex(self): return self.index def getprogress(self): return self.progress def getencodepass(self): return self.encodepass def getprocess(self): return {'path': self.path, 'pass': self.encodepass, 'progress': self.progress} def clear_encode_process(self): self.free = True self.wait = False self.path = u'' self.encodepass = 0 self.progress = 0 return def __update_encoder_progress(self, encoderthread): cpl = encoderthread.compile_pattern_list([pexpect.EOF, "\d+%"]) match = encoderthread.expect_list(cpl, timeout=None) if match == 0: #EOF return False elif match == 1: prog = encoderthread.match.group(0).replace('%', '') self.progress = int(prog, 10) encoderthread.close return True else: return True def __wait_for_move(self, path): if(SYSTEM == 'Windows'): while True: try: f = open(path, 'rb') f.close break except IOError: time.sleep(1) continue else: #todo time.sleep(300) return def execute_encode_process(self): if (os.path.exists(self.path) == False): print('[%d]File not exist.' % self.index) print(' %s' % self.path) self.encodepass = 3 return self.__wait_for_move(self.path) print("Start Encoding: %s" % self.path) (root, ext) = os.path.splitext(self.path) first_cmd = ( u'"%s" %s -passlogfile "%s.log" -o "%s.avi" "%s"' % (ENCODER_PATH, FIRST_PASS_OPTION, root, root, self.path) ) second_cmd = ( u'"%s" %s -passlogfile "%s.log" -o "%s.avi" "%s"' % (ENCODER_PATH, SECOND_PASS_OPTION, root, root, self.path) ) if(SYSTEM == 'Windows'): self.encodepass = 1 p = subprocess.Popen(first_cmd.encode(OS_ENCODING), shell=False) self.progress = -1 p.wait() self.encodepass = 2 p = subprocess.Popen(second_cmd.encode(OS_ENCODING), shell=False) self.progress = -1 p.wait() elif(SYSTEM == 'Linux'): self.encodepass = 1 p = pexpect.spawn(first_cmd.encode(OS_ENCODING)) while (self.__update_encoder_progress(p) == True): pass self.encodepass = 2 p = pexpect.spawn(second_cmd.encode(OS_ENCODING)) while (self.__update_encoder_progress(p) == True): pass else: #todo: unsupported system pass self.encodepass = 3 return def run(self): while True: if (self.isnewtask() == True): self.free = False self.execute_encode_process() time.sleep(30) return class Mover(): def __init__(self): pass def __sortlistbylength (self, intr_list): list_len = len(intr_list) if (list_len < 2): return intr_list for i in range (0, list_len - 1): for j in range (0, list_len - 1 - i): if (len (intr_list[j]) < len (intr_list[j+1])): intr_list[j], intr_list[j+1] = intr_list[j+1], intr_list[j] return intr_list def __getfolderlist(self, dir): folder_list = [] for elem in os.listdir(dir): if (os.path.isdir(os.path.join (dir, elem))): folder_list.append(elem) return self.__sortlistbylength(folder_list) def __getdest(self, src, destdir, folderlist): filename = os.path.basename (src) for elem in folderlist: norm_folder_name = unicodedata.normalize ('NFKC', elem) norm_file_name = unicodedata.normalize ('NFKC', filename) if (norm_file_name.find(norm_folder_name) > -1): return os.path.join (destdir, elem) return destdir def __moveavi(self, src, destdir): if os.path.exists(src) == False: print (u'Source file(%s) was not exist.' % (src)) return src if os.path.exists(destdir) == False: print (u'Destination folder(%s) was not exist.' % (destdir)) return src folderlist = self.__getfolderlist(destdir) dest = self.__getdest(src, destdir, folderlist) if (os.path.dirname (src) != dest): try: shutil.move (src, dest) #todo: ファイルの存在チェック, 重複してたらおしりに日時つければいいかな? except: pass return os.path.join(dest, os.path.basename(src)) def move(self, src, destdir): (root, ext) = os.path.splitext(src) srcavi = root + u'.avi' srclog = root + u'.log' print(srcavi) movdir = self.__moveavi(srcavi, destdir) try: os.remove(srclog) os.remove(src) except: pass return movdir def main(): if (SYSTEM == 'Windows' and os.path.exists(ENCODER_PATH) != True): print('Encoder was not found.') sys.exit() if (os.path.exists(WAIT_FOLDER) != True): print('Wait folder was not found.') sys.exit() if (os.path.exists(PROCESS_FOLDER) != True): print('Process folder was not found.') sys.exit() tasklist = TaskList() tasklist.load(TASKLIST_PATH) tasklist.add_folder_to_wait(WAIT_FOLDER) mover = Mover() threads = [] for i in range(MAX_THREAD): t = EncodeThread(i) threads.append(t) t.start() while True: for t in threads: if (t.isfree() == False): if (t.iscompleted() == True): path = t.getpath() tasklist.move_process_to_completed(path, mover.move(path, TV_FOLDER)) t.clear_encode_process() tasklist.update_process(t.getprocess()) continue tasklist.add_folder_to_wait(WAIT_FOLDER) path = tasklist.get_highest_in_wait() if tasklist.move_wait_to_process(path) == True: t.setpath(path) tasklist.save(TASKLIST_PATH) time.sleep(30) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
threads = [] for i in range(MAX_THREAD): t = EncodeThread(i) threads.append(t) t.start() while True: for t in threads: if (t.isfree() == False): #print ('[%d] Pass %d, Progress %d' % (t.getindex(), t.getencodepass(), t.getprogress())) if (t.iscompleted() == True): #print ('[%d] Completed' % t.getindex()) path = t.getpath() tasklist.move_process_to_completed(path, mover.move(path, TV_FOLDER)) t.clear_encode_process() #print(json.dumps(tasklist.tasklist, sort_keys=True, indent=2)) tasklist.update_process(t.getprocess()) continue tasklist.add_folder_to_wait(WAIT_FOLDER) path = tasklist.get_highest_in_wait() if tasklist.move_wait_to_process(path) == True: t.setpath(path) tasklist.save(TASKLIST_PATH) time.sleep(30)
if(SYSTEM == 'Windows'): self.encodepass = 1 p = subprocess.Popen(first_cmd.encode(OS_ENCODING), shell=False) self.progress = -1 p.wait() self.encodepass = 2 p = subprocess.Popen(second_cmd.encode(OS_ENCODING), shell=False) self.progress = -1 p.wait() elif(SYSTEM == 'Linux'): self.encodepass = 1 p = pexpect.spawn(first_cmd.encode(OS_ENCODING)) while (self.__update_encoder_progress(p) == True): pass self.encodepass = 2 p = pexpect.spawn(second_cmd.encode(OS_ENCODING)) while (self.__update_encoder_progress(p) == True): pass
def __update_encoder_progress(self, encoderthread): cpl = encoderthread.compile_pattern_list([pexpect.EOF, "\d+%"]) match = encoderthread.expect_list(cpl, timeout=None) if match == 0: #EOF return False elif match == 1: prog = encoderthread.match.group(0).replace('%', '') self.progress = int(prog, 10) encoderthread.close return True else: return True
Linux OSの場合はここを参考にpexpect.spawnで出力からエンコードの進捗を取得しています。
def __moveavi(self, src, destdir): if os.path.exists(src) == False: print (u'Source file(%s) was not exist.' % (src)) return src if os.path.exists(destdir) == False: print (u'Destination folder(%s) was not exist.' % (destdir)) return src folderlist = self.__getfolderlist(destdir) dest = self.__getdest(src, destdir, folderlist) if (os.path.dirname (src) != dest): try: shutil.move (src, dest) #todo: ファイルの存在チェック, 重複してたらおしりに日時つければいいかな? except: pass return os.path.join(dest, os.path.basename(src))
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